Annex 4 - compilation of approaches
Change model
The NHS Change Model is an organising framework for sustainable change and transformation that delivers potential benefits for patients and the public. It was developed with senior leaders, clinicians, commissioners, providers and improvement activists to support health and care to adopt a shared approach to leading change and transformation.
As a way of thinking, the model is relevant to numerous change programmes and provides an approach that can be tailored to fit individual situations. It is a way of making sense at every level of the 'how and why' of delivering improvement, to consistently make a bigger difference.
The model has eight components that lead to a better understanding of how to create an environment and programme(s) that can make change happen:
- Our shared purpose
- Leadership by all
- Spread and adoption
- Improvement tools
- Project and performance management
- Measurement
- Influencing factors
- Motivate and mobilise