About this project
The project was based on an extended conversation within a unique forum of experts. The Royal Academy of Engineering led the forum, in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians and the Academy of Medical Sciences. It generated thought leadership from a group of people who would never otherwise have met and generated a network of engaged organisations and individuals committed to taking this framework into action. Designed and facilitated by Emma Adams and Pete Dudgeon, the project ran a suite of workshops in autumn 2016 focusing on different perspectives of a systems approach.
Workshop 1: A systems perspective
21 September 2016 at the Royal Academy of Engineering
Workshop 2: A design perspective
28 September 2016 at the Academy of Medical Sciences
Workshop 3: A risk perspective
5 October 2016 at the Royal College of Surgeons
Workshop 4: Integration and dissemination planning
2 November 2016 at the Royal Academy of Engineering
The majority of participants attended all workshops and included:
- patient leaders
- acute trust clinicians and physicians who are leading transformation programmes
- system engineers (including INCOSE UK members)
- RCP Future Hospital Programme
- NHS Improvement
- improvement charities and funders
- service providers including pharmacy, mental health services and housing
- clinicians and managers involved in quality improvement and service design.
This work was the continuation of a preliminary study conducted by Engineering the Future, led by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM), and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) that explored the importance of engineering to health and care.
Workshop participants
Nick Barber, Emeritus Professor, UCL
Richard Beasley, Rolls-Royce plc; INCOSE UK
Professor David Bogle FREng, UCL
Rhona Buckingham, Royal College of Physicians
Cassandra Cameron, NHS Providers
Sarah Campbell, Royal College of Physicians
Carol Caporn, Patient Carer Network, Royal College of Physicians
Fiona Carragher, NHS England
Darren Challender, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Professor John Clarkson FREng, Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, NIHR CLAHRC East of England
Alex Davison, Academy of Medical Sciences
Dr John Dean FRCP, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Liberty Dixon, Academy of Medical Sciences
Simon Dodds, Health Care System Engineer and Consultant Surgeon
Dr Matthew Fogarty, NHS Improvement
Dr Chris Gibson, National School for Healthcare Science
Professor Patrick Godfrey FREng, University of Bristol
Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, Oxford University
Dr Christine Hill, University of Cambridge, NIHR CLAHRC East of England
Dr Keith Ison, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Ella Jackson, Royal College of Physicians
Dr Gyuchan Thomas Jun, Loughborough Design School
Dr Alexander Komashie, Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, NIHR CLAHRC East of England
Mandip Korotana, Health Foundation
Wendy Lewis, Advancing Quality Alliance
Helen Liggett, North West Healthcare Science Workforce Lead
Professor Chris McMahon, University of Bristol
Waseem Munir, Advancing Quality Alliance
Bernie O’Hare, Advancing Quality Alliance
Penny Pereira, Health Foundation
James Rooney, Devon Partnership NHS Trust
Philippa Shelton, Royal Academy of Engineering
Dr Kate Silvester, Clinical systems improvement expert
Cathy Sloan, Advancing Quality Alliance
Ruby Smith, South Yorkshire Housing Association
Debbie Sorkin, The Leadership Centre
Dr Emma Sparks, Cranfield University
Dr Chris Subbe, Bangor University
Dr Mark Temple, Royal College of Physicians
Professor Mark Tooley FREng FRCP, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
John Trewby FREng, formerly University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Clare Tudor, South Yorkshire Housing Association
Professor Christos Vasilakos, University of Bath
Dr Louella Vaughan, Nuffield Trust
Dr James Ward, Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, NIHR CLAHRC East of England
Tracy Webb, Health Foundation
Tom Wells, Government Office for Science
Frances Wiseman, Health Foundation
Dr Naho Yamazaki, Academy of Medical Sciences
Professor Terry Young, Brunel University London
Workshop facilitators
Emma Adams, Oxidate Consulting and Health Foundation Generation Q Fellow
Pete Dudgeon, PD Transformations and Generation Q core faculty
Additional reviewers
The report was reviewed by a group of external experts. Reviewers were asked to consider whether the evidence and arguments presented in the report were sound and supported the conclusions. Reviewers were not asked to endorse the report or its findings.
Dr Tom Bashford, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
Dr Darren Challender, East Lancashire Hospital NHS Trust
Professor Mary Dixon-Woods, University of Cambridge
Professor Manfred Morari, University of Pennsylvania
Dr Mohammad Farhad Peerally, University of Leicester
Dr Peter Pronovost, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Nicola Platt, Royal Academy of Engineering
Philippa Shelton, Royal Academy of Engineering
Sarah Campbell, Royal College of Physicians
Aimee Protheroe, Royal College of Physicians
Dr Naho Yamazaki, Academy of Medical Sciences
Working group chair
Professor John Clarkson FREng, Cambridge Engineering Design Centre
Working group
Professor David Bogle FREng, UCL
Dr John Dean FRCP, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust; Royal College of Physicians
Professor Mark Tooley FREng FRCP, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
John Trewby FREng, formerly University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Louella Vaughan FRCP, Nuffield Trust
The project was led by the Royal Academy of Engineering and supported by the Royal College of Physicians Future Hospital Programme and Academy of Medical Sciences. Many thanks to those who have provided input and advice to this preliminary report and to all of the workshop participants and working group members.
The understanding brought by additional colleagues – Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, the Health Foundation, Advancing Quality Alliance and INCOSE UK – has informed all aspects of the project and has been central to its development and focus.
Thank you to the many people who have engaged with the project in different ways, including the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
Report authors
John Clarkson, David Bogle, John Dean, Mark Tooley, John Trewby, Louella Vaughan, Emma Adams, Peter Dudgeon, Nicola Platt and Philippa Shelton.